Wednesday 26 June 2013

The word on the street

You can’t always predict when a great picture is going to materialise because good photography often happens when you least expect it.

While cutting my teeth as a street photographer, I learned how to become acutely aware of my surroundings and to react quickly. These skills have given me a good grounding for the wedding and event photography I now specialise in.

As a documentary photographer, I think of myself as a big cat on the prowl in the wild. It’s all about blending into the surroundings and being ready to strike at just the right moment. Of course, when I take a picture it’s a far more pleasant experience for the person, animal or object being ‘captured’ than it is for the unfortunate victim of a ravenous lion. However, I’m always looking for opportunities to satisfy my hunger for stunning photography.

Staying with the cat theme, among the images I’m most proud of is a photograph of my friend’s cat being ‘walked’. Zelda is a housecat, so in order for her to get exercise, my friend puts her on a lead and takes her for a walk. What I love about this particular picture is the way Zelda has turned her head to look at me, while standing perfectly still, as if frozen.The movement of my friend’s legs contrasts well with the motionless animal.

A railway station is an ideal location for street photography because of the hustle and bustle of all walks of life going about their business. I picked Crewe Station for a photography session, and among my images from here is a picture of a commuter leaning against a pillar. I took the photograph with the man’s back to me and while a train was moving through the station. Like with the cat being walked, there was a contrast between stillness and motion.

Street and documentary photography may appear to be a type of ‘spying’ but I never hide what I’m doing. The sizeable camera I carry usually gives me away, anyway.

I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable about having their picture taken and a friendly smile from me is usually enough to put people at ease. It’s my aim to make the experience of being photographed as enjoyable and rewarding as possible.

To find out more about Joanne Humphreys Photography, call me on 01270 213421 or 07849 173826, or send an email to

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